Friday, February 12, 2010

WIP Fic Review - Benson Hall

Benson Hall by MaitresseSaint


Summary - The admin made a mistake and stuck Bella in a coed dorm. What will happen when she meets her Star Wars loving, D&D playing, bookworm roommate Jasper? Rated M for graphic language and lemons.

JaspersDarlinKathy - Do you think Geeksper is hot? Well if not, then that's because you haven't been reading Benson Hall. In this fic Bella gets to share rooms with Jasper, but it's nothing like what she expected. I won't give a way too much but I will tell you this, this is a definite must read. If you haven't read this fic yet, I have to ask, what are you waiting for? MaitresseSaint can write Geeksper like no other. Oh and let's forget Edward, shall we? MaitresseSaint delivers a very sexy and oh so tempting Edward. Oh yes, you heard me correctly. Now go on over and check out her story. You'll drool over Edward and Geeksper will cause you to need a lot of cold showers.

Cullen818 - Okay, so this isn't a dark fic, but we bring you so many dark, tortured stories that it's nice to just feature the hotness once in a while. Benson Hall certainly delivers on the hotness in the form of Geeksper. Oh, Jasper really is sexy any way he is written, especially when he is written well (thanks Maitresse)! I must say that I rather enjoy Eddie in this fic too. Go check this one out, I think you'll enjoy it!

TwiCarol - MaitresseSaint definitely writes the hottest Geeksper around. I just want to cuddle him, then corrupt him and have my wicked way with him. Benson Hall is a great fic in which Jasper and Bella are facing some obstacles on their path to happiness, and I really hope that Bella wins over Rosalie eventually. You should definitely read this fic... the sooner, the better. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you girls so much!! I'm glad you like the story. It's been a lot of fun to write and definitely gives my mind a break from Haunted. That's actually why I started Benson first. :)

    This totally made my day! Thanks again!

  2. This fic is absolutely awesome. I love it and Keira. She is very talented adn I an a sucker for Geeksper... *ded*
