Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lady Tazz Recs - Master of the Universe 2

MotU part 2, does not disappoint. As much as I loved the first one, part 2 is my favorite. The sequel starts out with Edward and Bella being married and they are on their incredible honeymoon.

(You can only find the sequel on her wordpress site)

As always Icy continues to wow us with amazing kinky sex, oh, and believe me, amazing it is. She also weaves together an incredible story line, filled with drama, love, and at time s heart ache. Each chapter gets more and more gripping and it keeps you dying for the next update.

I also love to watch Fifty grow and mature a bit, as a man and a husband. At the same time watch Bella become a more of a confident women. Now that she is his wife. she learned to stand her ground when it matters.

A very team Bella when it comes to this story, which simply means I'm always on her side.

She just posted chapter 23 (or 110). 

 I had the privileged  to do a podcast with Icy.


I will leave you will the amazing and HOT teaser trailer made by Beil:

 Till next time, stay naughty!

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