Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cullen818 - Fic Rec


Summary - Jasper meets Edward at a family reunion. All human CAUTION: M for mature themes and lemons SLASH J/E

Not only am I obsessed with anything twistedfortwilight writes, I'm also a hoor for her slash, especially when it's a J/E pairing. Burnt Marshmallow's was the first slash fic I ever read and I'll admit, I was kind of forced into it because I was the beta. To my surprise, I found that I liked it. Maybe a little too much.

This is a story of innocent love and the obstacles we sometimes have to overcome to get there. This Edward and Jasper are so cute together. You can't help but root for them. It's emotional and sexy. The story is currently three chapters in and is told from both of their POV's. Take the journey with these two as they explore their sexuality over a very intimate weekend. It's beautifully written. The lemons are graphic, but they're not raunchy. If you've never read a male slash piece before, start with this one. You'll get lost in the connection that twistedfortwilight has created.  

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