Monday, February 7, 2011

Naughty Girl for A Day - Kisbydog

I stumbled upon the talents of Kisbydog during the Nightmare Before Christmas Contest. If you haven't read Leave A Light On, you need to go and do it. It was one of the hottest "multiple" pairing fics I've ever read. I was extremely pleased when she agreed to grace us with her presence today...

I am thrilled to be a Naughty Girl for a Day! Today I want to talk about someone many of you are familiar with, since she has been in the fanfic world for a few years. She started writing this past summer, and the world of fanfiction will never be the same!

Gothic Temptress stole my heart with her first O/S, The Summer of Lethe's Demise. I was not alone in this, since she has won numerous awards for this beautiful story about a love taken for granted, but in the end made fresh and alive once more.

She gives her reader everything they need, but don't always know they need it. From absolutely fuck-hot, panty melting lemons:

The Veil Between—"I'm going to have you here in this haunted cemetery, unless you are adverse to desecrating sacred ground."—Gah!


Eighteen: "The sum of the stars in the sky could not equal the ways I love you, Bella. But the reality of this leather against your pale skin, black night against perfect light...your chiaroscuro is immaculate...the play of light and dark mercilessly taunts me...your curving lines are a feast for my starving eyes, and my fucking hunger for you is barely controllable." If a guy ever said that to me, I'd just pass out.

To utter terror and hopelessness:

Bereit — She looked in the direction of the putrid smell, her forehead scrunching under the weight of her obvious concern.

"Edek, those workers in Oświęcim...they've never come out. The ovens for the bricks have been reported to be for...the entrance gate states that work will set you free but the only freedom for them comes..."

Her prose is poetic; her words evoke deep emotions— some good, some bad, but all relevant. Not a single word Gothic Temptress writes is trivial. From lacing up a leather corset— one sensual lace at a time— to prisoners in a WWII work camp, her stories delve deep into the human psyche, sometimes into places we don't want to go. But even when she takes us into the thickest darkness, there is always a light guiding us home. For even as she takes us from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other, there is always a resolution which brings us back to a comfortable place; maybe not quite the same place we began, and maybe we won't arrive with dry eyes, but we will arrive with our hearts purged and our minds steeped in introspection.

Take, for example, Distemper, her most recent story. I have heard that quite a few people are skipping over the first chapter. I implore you – put on your big girl panties and read it (after reading her warning). The hatred expressed at the beginning is like none I have ever read before. She takes you deep into the pit of despair, as far down as you can possibly go, and just when you're at the point where you can hardly see the screen through your tears, and you're thinking back to when you've had your own thoughts of violence, and you're thinking of revisiting them, you click on the next chapter and are redeemed. It is cathartic – the lightness you feel after unloading all of those negative emotions makes you feel buoyant.

Gothic Temptress is no writer of fluff. She is courageous, and takes from her own pain and happiness to breathe life into her characters. She does not apologize for where she takes us, but she always warns us about the ride we're about to get on, so we have the opportunity to get off. But just like the scariest roller coaster, even if you feel trepidation at the beginning, you will be rewarded if you stay on.

Thank you so much to Jasper's Naughty Girls, and to Cullen818 for letting me on your blog! I love you gals big time!


I've also invited Kisbydog to come back and guest rec for us, I hope she'll take me up on it.


  1. Kisbydog, I am tearing up as I read this. Thank you for this honor. Every time I doubt what I'm trying to write, I will read this and I am sure that it will inspire me to keep on trying. You really have no idea how much reading this has touched me! Thank you!!!


    PS - Thanks to Cullen818 and everyone associated this blog as well. I appreciate being included among other naughty girls. *wicked grin* Hell yes to the naughty!!!!

  2. You are spot on, kisbydog! GT's writing is visceral. All of it! She's an amazing writer and I am so excited that she is getting the recognition she so deserves.
