Monday, May 9, 2011

The Lemon Drizzle Challange and voting!

There is only two days left to vote for April's Lemon Drizzle Author of the Month!

Then vote for the one that beat describes the Pic prompt  in the side bar!
Voting Ends Wednesday!!

There is still time to write a submission for this weeks pic prompt and be in the running for May's Lemon Drizzles Author of the month!

This weeks pic prompt:

Would you like to be The Lemon Drizzle author of the Month?
All you have to do is a submit a Lemon Drizzle.
At the end of April all the drizzles that were submitted for that month, (expect for cullen818 and mine, as we are staff) will go up for voting!

You will pick by voting who's is the Lemon Drizzle Author of the Month. Basically who's drizzle best describe the Pic Prompt they used.
The winner will receive a banner stating that they are Lemon Drizzle author for that month!
I can't wait to read all your drizzle's next week!!

What is a lemon drizzle and how does it work?
Each week a picture prompt will be given. Write a drizzle (like a drabble) that is around 1000 words (or less) about the picture given.
The following week's prompt will be at the end of the current week submissions.
Submissions will post on Friday, and should be received no later than Thursday at 7pm (EST). Email it to Lemon Drizzles

~It has to be durty. (rated M or NC-17)
~Has to have Twi-pairing(s), in any combination
~Has to incorporate the picture...(we should be able to tell easily that the photo and drizzle go together.)
~It has to be lemony.
PLEASE make sure you are submitting the right drizzle for the current Pic prompt!

Use this heading when you submit:
Title of Drizzle by your author name (unless you want to be anon)

You need not be an "author" to submit. Everyone is welcome to spread a little Lemon drizzle our way! Email it to Lemon Drizzles

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