Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cullen818 Recs...Our Master Love

Its been a long and crazy summer and I haven't been doing a ton of reading, but I did come across this little gem the other day and I wanted to share it with all of you.


Three bodies, two hearts, and one desire - to stay together. Two subs falling in love, but they won't ever leave the man who owns their bodies. Edward and Bella need their Master. A story about friendship, love, and BDSM. E-B-J. No angst. EPOV
The story is three chapters and I'm already salvating for more. The fic is told from Edward's POV, so right there, I was drawn in. I love a good fic from a hot male POV. Edward is content in his relatonship with his Master. He serves him willingly and lovingly. When Jasper brings Bella, another sub, home for the weekend, Edward falls hard. The feeling seems to be mutual and I think Jasper recognizes that.

The lemons are hot and if you're into the threesome scene, especially when J/E are involved, I think you'll like this one. Its sexy! I'm curious to see where the author takes this. Edward is fiercely loyal to Jasper, so I'm interested to see where Bella will fit into this set-up.


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